Skin Care

Articles about skincare. I’ll help you sort out the do’s and don’ts.

What Is Organic Skincare

What Is Organic Skincare? – Helpful Info

You’ve probably noticed the hype and organic products on the shelves. But what is organic skincare exactly? Are organic products better than cheaper products at the drugstore? That’s what we’ll be discussing. Organic skincare ingredients follow the same criteria as organic foods. In the US, the USDA sets the growing and labeling requirements for organic …

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Best Natural Deodorants That Work

Best Natural Deodorants That Work – It’s Love

What you put on your body, goes in your body so you want only the purest, cleanest products, right? But they need to work. There are many available on the market. Here are the best natural deodorants that work. Some deodorants are based on baking powder, some on Coconut or other oils. Baking powder-based deodorant …

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What Goes On Goes In

What Goes On Goes In – Ingredients for Thriving

As more and more of us are searching for cleaner, greener products, we’re also looking for clean personal care items. Because, what goes on, goes in our bodies. It’s true. We can actually absorb the chemicals or whatever ingredients are in the daily skin care and cosmetics we use every day. Natural and organic skincare …

What Goes On Goes In – Ingredients for Thriving Read More »

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